Usuario Aliado 2.0

by Contigo MIDIS



The CONTIGO Program grants a non-contributory pension to people with severe disabilities in a situation of poverty, progressively throughout the national territory, in order to contribute to improving the quality of life.We make available to the community the updated registers with the names of our users nationwide.We make available to the community the status of our users affiliation and authorization requests.What the app does:the allied user will be able to see statistics and the list of beneficiaries at the regional, provincial and district levels.the allied user will be able to see statistics regarding affiliation and authorization requests.What the application does not do:the application does not register new users to the register.the application does not record affiliation and authorization requests."The information on the registers is provided by the institution through excel files that are uploaded to databases, but this is done on the web platform of the program with you."